developer picture


Programming Languages

(C# | Java | Javascript | Typescript)

Frameworks And Libraries

(Spring Boot | Asp.Net Core | NextJs (ReactJs) | Angular)


(MongoDB | MySQL | SQL Server)

Cloud Providers

(Azure | DigitalOcean)


(Docker | VirtualBox)

Writing And Design

(MS Word | MS Powerpoint | Figma | InkScape)


(Git | Jira | Confluence | Agile | Scrum,...)










Web Development | Teaching | Science vulgarization | Programming


Sci-Fi movies and tv shows | Music | Video games


As a software engineer and DevOps wizzard, I am passionate about designing and implementing projects using Angular, ReactJs, and Spring Boot. I am also enthusiastic about cloud and operations (CloudOps).

Professional Experience

Full-stack Developer,


10/2022 | Full Remote, Morocco

We've worked on different projects most of them unique and challenging, here are some of them:
  • 2 Raffle - reimplantation and adding of new features of the most used website, in Mexico, to play online raffle

    • 2 Raffle is a website that allows users to play online raffle, and win prizes.

    • Website from angular to react Js (NextJs AppDir)

    • Nuvei payment integration, Mailchimp, different tracking tech

    • Scrum ideology, Team collaboration and project management with Jira

    • SEO Optimization, Figma, open Api

    • Technologies used: NextJs | React Server Components | nuvei payment | Mailchimp | Jira | Figma | open Api | Redtrack | Hotjar | ...

  • CSentinel Vm Manager

    • Deploying and running virtualized Android x86 on the cloud on demand.

    • Basically, a SaaS that provide virtual the ability to run Virtual VM from the Cloud, and a focus on Managing Android X86 on the Cloud easily

    • Technologies used: ReactJs | Nginx | Docker | ASP.NET Core | Azure SDK for Js and C# ...

  • Magical Ravers Website

    • Development and deployment of the official website of the Magical Ravers project

    • A Website that will serve an NFT project called Magical Ravers.

    • Working on the frontend development

    • Integration of web3 technologies

    • Deployment on an nginx server (azure vm)

    • Technologies used: NextJs | Nginx | Docker | DigitalOcean...

Requirement Admin - End-of-study internship,

Lear Corporation

06/2021 - 08/2021 | Rabat Technopolis, Sala Al Jadida, Morocco

Design and optimization of a requirements export system
  • Integration with IBM Rational DOORS

    • Usage of dxl script along with IBM rational doors to extends built-in functionalities of DOORS

    • Improve interoperability between DOORS and Internal tools at Lear

  • Optimization of the export process

    • Improve performances in the existing export process by using newer strategies, better memory management of DXL script and using more lower-level functionalities for better control of the execution.

    • Reduce higher memory usage on the export and allowing parallel export (reduction of export time)

    • Usage of a cache mechanism to reduce drastically the export’s execution time, with SQL server as cache database:

      • Allowing to export only newer or updated requirements

      • Allowing to Resume export

      • Reduce unnecessary export

      • etc.

  • Migration of the existing library to Dotnet 6

    • Exposing usable API for a later use (in a Command Line Interface) or for a web server (REST API, mvc, …)

      • Creation of a Command-Line Application (CLI) and web server for exporting requirements

        • Scheduling export process in windows server to run automatically and periodically in a specified date time.

          Technologies used: DXL | IBM Rational DOORS | Interop | C# | EF Core | ASP.NET Core | SQL Server | OSLC


          The Guestbook,

          A Comment system supporting nested comments and replies

          02/2023 - 03/2023

          The guestbook is a comment system that allows users to comment on a post and reply to other comments. It is built with ReactJs and NodeJs. It uses the thread model to store comments and replies in a database. It also uses the Material UI library for the design. The project is part of my portfolio.

          Technologies used: NextJs | MaterialUi | Planet Scale | Prisma

          Trust 4 Finance

          03/2023 - Present

          An admin driven platform to manage finance and users for associations

          Technologies used: Spring Boot | NextJs | MaterialUi | MySQL | Nginx | Docker

          Amana Pilot

          10/2023 - Present

          A platform to manage finance for small and mid companies

          Technologies used: Spring Boot | NextJs | MaterialUi | MySQL | Nginx | Docker


          Yet another task manager more than a todo list

          2023 - Present

          A Fancy web based of Microsoft To-Do

          Technologies used: Angular | Spring Boot | MySQL | Angular Material

          AMCI Scholarship


          A convenient way that students will use to get their AMCI scholarship codes

          Technologies used: ReactJs | Serverless API | MySQL | Prisma

          Leave Management System,

          A fullstack project made with Blazor WASM and ASP.Net Core allowing employees to make leave requests. The admins will be able to accept or refuse the requests.

          09/2021 - 09/2021

          A Single page Application (SPA) representing a small platform to manage Leave request in a company!!

          Technologies used: C# | ASP.Net Core | Blazor Web Assembly | Bootstrap 5


          Specialized Master Degree in Software Engineering for the Cloud,

          University Ibn Tofail

          2021 - 2022 | Kénitra, Morocco

          Bachelor of Fundamental Studies in Mathematical and Computer Sciences,

          University Ibn Tofail

          2019 - 2020 | Kénitra, Morocco

          Diploma of General University Studies (DEUG) in Mathematics and Computer Science,

          University Ibn Tofail

          2018 - 2019 | Kénitra, Morocco